The Northstars Marching Band is a self-supporting extra-curricular activity. The Northstars Band Parents organization, through a General Fund, provides the funds necessary to purchase uniforms, flags, props, and other equipment and supplies during the season, to ensure the marching band has the resources to be successful.
The Northstars Band Parents hold numerous fundraisers throughout the marching band season to support the General Fund and help students and parents raise funds to apply toward the costs of participating in marching band. Many students and parents are able to fund their entire season through fundraising. We offer a wide variety of fundraisers to provide students and parents the flexibility to participate in the fundraisers that work best for them.
If there is a fundraiser you have done in past groups you would like to suggest, please talk with a member of the board!
See our Calendar at the bottom of the page for current and future Fundraising opportunities.
Contact the parent board with fundraising questions.

current fundraisers
Eat @ Chipotle!
9/10 Cicero Chipotle from 4-8pm
Show flyer or use order code to support the band
Grab a cone at the Big Dip!
Every Second Monday April to October
20% of orders go to the general fund

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Orders Due 9/10 by 6pm
Pickup at 9/14
Eat @ Paladinos!
9/10 & 9/12 Cicero Paladin’s from 4-8pm
Golf Tournament
8/24 Contact Paul Maley for more information, or register on our Golf page.
Ma & Pa Kettle Corn
Bottle & Can Drive- Get $$ in your Student Account!
Next Drive TBD
Other Support options
Direct Dontation
If you would like to support the Cicero-North Syracuse Northstars Marching Band, please click on the donate button or visit our Calendar to see other Fundraising opportunities.
Student Specific Bottle Donation
If you missed the monthly bottle drive, and want to clean our the can donate directly under your Student Account by going to Plank Road Bottle Return, (Near Target/Exotic pets),and specifying it is for “Your Childs name with the CNS Marching Band”, and signing the sheet for their name. You can spread the words to friends and family to donate to your child’s name, instead of the CNS marching Band.
Please note, this donation arrives periodically, whenever the sheet is full at Plank Road.
Raise Right
If you like shopping online for gift cards, how about getting a percentage of your purchase donated, try this new program.
$0.29 fee per transaction (flat fee regardless of order size) if paid using ACH from your bank or 2.6% (based on total value of order) at time of purchase
● Gift cards are online. Physical card orders will be placed 1-2x a year.
● Your child’s account will be credited monthly
● This is an ALL YEAR fundraiser
● Hundreds of Retailers with varying percentages
Signup at
Enrollment code: 523L4AFB56L79